Susan Renee Guerra

Susan Renee Guerra

Penny Smalley

Penny Smalley

I am honored and excited about the opportunity to contribute to the growth and strength of our chapter as a vital part of AORN. We have all seen dramatic changes in our lives and in our nursing practices as a result of the pandemic, and though we are tired, stressed, and spread out around the world, it is even more important for us to look ahead and to re-invent ways to work together to make eChapter our professional home! As your board member, I assure you that I will always advocate for staff and patient safety, collaboration, and for your voices to be heard. Again, thank you for your trust and support – I will do my best on your behalf.

Wendy Perera

Wendy Perera

I am an innovative Board-Certified Advanced Nurse Executive with experience at multiple world-class academic, Magnet healthcare organizations. Currently, I provide executive coaching and leadership development for surgical and procedural service areas. I am board certified in pain management nursing, ambulatory care nursing, advanced nurse executive and an alumnus CCRN. I have received multiple employer and professional awards for my work.

Known for my work related to change management, informatics optimization, telehealth, AI, robotics, predictive analytics, and the advancement of surgical and procedural data science, I am a nurse leader skilled at building and leveraging strong and productive professional relationships among nurses, surgeons, proceduralists, anesthesiologists, technicians, healthcare executives, and both clinical and non-clinical healthcare team members in general. I believe technology can advance the nursing profession and surgery and procedural sciences in particular.

Becky Davis One year Interim

Becky Davis
One year Interim

The eChapter of AORN has enjoyed a long, successful history. As with many chapters, a few members tend to work hard to bring success to their activities. The eChapter’s membership has flexed low and high, however with much hard work, membership has grown from 900 in 2017 to 2000 over the last few years. This large membership requires good organization to manage activities and strengthen service to members. This has been and will be due to the dedication of members with amazing leadership skills. Over the last 4 years much talent has organized and brought a greater level of focus to operations and member support. I continue to find working with these amazing skills and ideas very inspiring and I continue to learn from new members as they join and bring their set of skills to the table.

Mike Garufi, Past President

Mike Garufi, Past President