Writing for Publication: An Online Course

You might just need a little bit of help to get your manuscript written and published.

Take advantage of this excellent, affordable course and earn 23 contact hours.
(A total of 45 contact hours is available when you pursue the second course.)

5-week course begins AUGUST 19th

 Dr. Joy Don Baker is teaching an online course this Fall called Writing for Publication 101.

During this course, you’ll learn the basics of writing for publication. The WfP 101 course (23CHs) will have you choosing a topic and creating an outline for a specific journal of your choosing.

This course is for Registered Nurses with a Bachelor’s degree or higher

The WfP 201 course (22CHs) will walk you through creating your journal manuscript for publication. Completion of the WfP 101 course is a pre-requisite for taking the WfP 201 course.

 Registration: $50

 Books required for the course are purchased separately and are: (available via Amazon)

  1. Saver, C. (2024). Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses. (5th ed.) Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. ISBN: 97811646481804

  2. Baker, J.D & Goodman, T. (2019). A, B, & Cs of author partnering. Watauga, TX: Baker & Goodman. ISBN: 978-1-7322535-8-2

  3. American Psychological Association. (2020) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 978-1-43383216-1.

 Feel free to reach out to Aspen Drude at Aspen.drude@uta.edu or Dr. Baker directly with questions at jdbaker@uta.edu.