Committee Choice

It takes a village to provide value for our eChapter members.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE makes continuing education activities available to the membership through webinars and enduring material. Presentations from a variety of national speakers will be scheduled to provide the latest perioperative information for establishment of best practices. Plans are in place to also make these presentations enduring for all members of the eChapter on our website.

The COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for managing and maintaining communication platforms to promote the mission and vision of eChapter and facilitate the success of all eChapter initiatives.

The MEMBER ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE works to recruit and retain eChapter members.  The committee identifies, welcomes, and engages new members by offering a wide variety of opportunities and activities including mentor/mentee options, education, leadership, Town Halls and Forums, Expo delegate positions, and more, while developing new and timely strategies for keeping members of all ages, levels of experience, and locations, involved and supportive of eChapter.

The RESEARCH/EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE COMMITTEE is responsible for developing structure and expectations for promotion, advertisement, and assistance with research and Evidence-based practice projects within the eChapter membership.  Committee members will actively communicate, support, and encourage eChapter membership to complete and publish research studies and EBP projects for the purpose of furthering perioperative knowledge.

The WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE creates opportunities to raise funds for eChapter and to promote perioperative nursing. The committee is also responsible for organizing

1) The Annual Membership Meeting at EXPO
2) the Post-EXPO Strategic Planning Meeting
3) the eChapter Booth at EXPO

Choose a committee that fits your interest and skill set ... we'd love to have your help!

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