Lifetime and retired member donation

We want to continue to offer our members the great benefits

Dear Lifetime and Retired Members,
First, we want to thank you for selecting eChapter as your AORN chapter!  It is a pleasure having you as a member.  Second, we applaud you for electing to invest in a lifetime or retired membership in the organization.  You realize the value and benefits that membership brings.  Similarly, eChapter provides many benefits to our members which we are able to do through the chapter dues received.  
As a lifetime/retired member, AORN no longer collects your chapter dues of $20 per year. This is affecting eChapter!  We want to continue to offer our members the great benefits such as:

  • a global network of nurses to connect with 24/7

  • contact hours from monthly Education Webinars

  • participation in Town Hall Meetings

  • opportunities to serve on many eChapter committees, task forces or BOD

  • paid delegate opportunities, and furthermore

  • since 2007 eChapter has donated to the eChapter Endowment Scholarship Foundation fund a total of $80,000. This assist many of eChapter members in gaining worthwhile education and qualification.

We recognize that becoming a lifetime or retired member reduces your financial outlay. What you may not have been aware of is that it also eliminated the yearly dues paid to eChapter for your membership by AORN. To assist eChapter to continue many of the activities such as those outlined above we ask for your kind consideration of supporting eChapter with a donation.
If you would like to make a donation to eChapter, go to the eChapter logo at the bottom of the page to access our online payment system. You may use PayPal or the credit card of your choice. We thank you very much for your contribution.   
We welcome any feedback you have about this request. Our hope is that you will share any and all of your ideas with the eChapter leadership or Membership committee as to what additional benefits we can offer our members.
Kind Regards,
eChapter Membership Committee

Donations are made in increments of $20 ... you may increase your donation by increasing the quantity from "1" to the number of your choice.