Rebecca B. Roe, MSN-Ed, RN, CNOR
eChapter President-Elect
November, 2020
Hello eChapter Members!
My name is Rebecca Roe, I am currently serving as your President-elect and am proud to be a part of this nursing community.
I have been learning the ropes through the tireless efforts of Michael Garufi and the esteemed Board of Directors. We all have taken this year to progress eChapter into the future and hopefully become “indispensable” to you and I am working to discover innovative ways to provide opportunities to build something special for all members.
I currently serve as the education program coordinator for the surgical services department at one of the major hospital systems in the Atlanta GA, metro area. This position is a true culmination of all my prior clinical experiences. I have the premier joy of working with some of the smartest and most innovative young nurse clinicians and technical educators in the business. The quality of their product has benefitted the entire organization.
As president-elect I have a vision for 2020-2021 which includes:
1) Expansion of communication and connectivity to global outreach which will put meaning into our eChapter motto, “Linking perioperative nurses worldwide”.
2) Develop a mentorship program for our retired, semi-retired, expert nurses within our membership
3) Grow research and evidence-based practice within our membership through the newly formed Research committee
4) Propose regional connections to connect members in a more convenient process, provide opportunities to learn, network, and promote community services to their regions across the globe
5) Offer 1 or more Virtual Meetings for all members to share annual activities-eChapter business, connection with AORN-national officers, elections, committee reports and issues requiring member input
So, in trying to make eChapter an “indispensable community” for you, the future is bright and I hope there will be something for everyone in this wonderful community of perioperative nurses.
Thank you for allowing me to serve!
Rebecca B. Roe, MSN-Ed, RN, CNOR